So did you get last weeks rather tricky T-Shirt Friday Quiz Conundrum? To find the answer you have to delve back into Roger Dean's history a bit... The 'Retreat Pod' chair was featured in Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece 'A Clockwork Orange'. Roger Dean also did some design work for the upstairs of 'Ronnie Scott's', creating a "landscape of seating" in his earlier day's. He still continues to design architecture and interiors, chairs, furniture, as well as create album covers and computer games, amazing stuff!
It's Friday! so some T-Shirt Friday Quiz Conundrum celebrations are necessary (As is now traditional) how will you celebrate? You could celebrate by having a weekend of watching all of Stanley Kubrick's incredible back catalogue of films? or you could have a chocolate orange in honour of 'A Clockwork Orange'? Maybe while reading the original classic book by Anthony Burgess? any way what ever you decide, have yourself a fantastic weekend... but before you do... here is T-Shirt Friday 15 !
It's Friday! so some T-Shirt Friday Quiz Conundrum celebrations are necessary (As is now traditional) how will you celebrate? You could celebrate by having a weekend of watching all of Stanley Kubrick's incredible back catalogue of films? or you could have a chocolate orange in honour of 'A Clockwork Orange'? Maybe while reading the original classic book by Anthony Burgess? any way what ever you decide, have yourself a fantastic weekend... but before you do... here is T-Shirt Friday 15 !
Today's T-Shirt was available from: although it was a couple of years ago that we purchased them, they may have mysteriously disappeared in a ghostly type way now...
Over the years we have tried many different types of quiz. We began by doing pub quiz's in and around the Walthamstow and Wood Street Area, 'The Plough Inn' was a very popular and memorable venue, although it now may not be there any more? We even moved our 'game' out to the little village of Hatfield Broad Oak near Chelmsford, when they started running a music trivia pub quiz there... it's questionable how much we went for the quiz or for the free bangers, mash and beans! We then decided to change tact and went for the rather more high brow BFI film quiz, it's a real masterminds type of quiz and it fried our brains... So after much thought and realising that film was a good subject for our team, my Sister and Brother-In-Law suggested that we go to the film quiz at Stratford (East) Picturehouse...
Our quest for the goblet of multiple multiplex questions and the long winding path of general knowledge had finally ended (it would seem) and we settled in to our new found cinematic surroundings, it's a very enjoyable hour or two of answering general questions about film and cinema, one that I whole heartily recommend, every so often they have a theme a night on a particular subject or around a particular event, they often have a drawing competition too! The sweet celluloid drenched summer nights of film quizzing went by and we found ourselves in October! More specifically though with an announcement that the next quiz would be a Halloween themed one and more importantly, that we should dress up in seasonal attire! Blimey! We spent the following week leading up to the big Halloween night, thinking about what we should dress up as, but not actually doing much about it... then as often in life, something quite unexpected came along and this time it was in the shape of a shop... a shop shaped in the way of Primark! Our fears were of course, that the other teams would make huge efforts... taking into account that they had also announced that there would be a prize for the best dressed team! Primark had much to offer and so it was that we chose the below Ghostbusters 2 T-Shirts. We did discuss the idea of making proton packs from cornflake packets, in fact, even making a marshmallow man out of a bag of marshmallows we had purchased from Sainsbury's... but time, as often does, eluded us and before we knew it... the night of the Halloween film quiz was upon us! Timidly we walked into the room, worried that the other teams had gone full blown Dracula, Nightmare On Elm Street and Friday The 13th on us and there we were Miss Russell, my Sister and myself in our Primark Ghostbuster 2 t-shirts! (my Brother-In-Law really didn't want to wear his tee) With a bag of marshmallows and a rather cool but very small, ghost hanging mobile, that my Sister had got... Our fears though were washed away in minutes, like the 'elevator - ocean of blood' scene in 'The Shining'... As most teams had made just about as much effort as us and in some cases even less... one guy was just wearing a Freddy Krueger (from 'Nightmare On Elm Street') knife glove, having not even attempted to put on any make up or even wear a red and black striped jumper... Ahh the relief, we felt good, "We're the best, We're the beautiful, we're the only Ghostbusters" well we were at least on that night, no one else had thought of Primark Ghostbusters 2 Tee's!
It was a great night, we had loads of eerie fun answering the spooky film questions, until they announced the drawing competition!!! We were each given an outline of a pumpkin and asked to do something with it, we each reached for the supplied selection of crayons and coloured pencils, created our designs and worriedly handed them in, to be judged at the end of the quiz. We didn't do so well at the quiz, which wasn't really surprising as we often varied from doing 'not bad' to 'pretty rubbish', the other teams slimed us! Then came the blood splatting, nail biting finale...
They held up the runner up of the drawing competition... then the 2nd runner up... and then... the overall winner... a 'MasterChef' type, long atmospheric, intense pause followed, then... a pumpkin outline made into the Ghostbusters symbol was held up! ... We cheered and roared, Harriet Russell (professional illustrator) had won the Stratford Picturehouse, Halloween film quiz drawing competition! Ectoplasmic!
It just goes to show... when the chips are down, who you gonna call? ... Miss Russell!
... and Primark!
Well it's that time again... it's the T-Shirt Friday Quiz Conundrum, which this week is
based on a quote from Ghostbusters 2: What is there always room for?
P.S. It's now gone full circle... we have gone back to doing pub quiz's again!
More information on Stratford Picture House and the quiz:
The BFI film quiz (watch out though it's high brow):
Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters 2:
Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters 2:
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Ghostbusters or perhaps Quizbusters! - Just for one day! The Happy Halloween Team! minus the Brother-In-Law |
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Oh dear! |
Yay for the Reel Ghostbusters :-)
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought the answer was twinkies, but daddy says its Jelly (or Jell-o if you're american)